Friday, March 23, 2012

Product Review: CF916-g

U-Reach's Intelligent CF Duplicator Gold Edition
Following the introduction of Intelligent CF duplicator in Jan 2012, U-Reach has recently released a Gold Edition, nicknamed Golden Fox, to better serve the more demanding professionals.

Burn-in testing is one of the two major enhancements.  For factories or businesses that are meticulous in the quality of their CF cards, this utility helps them pick out the bad apples by continuously writing and verifying data for a desired number of cycles or specified duration (30 min to 30 days).  With models available from 8 to 120 ports, the Golden Fox performs burn-in on all ports simultaneously.

The other addition is the logging capability.  For users who need detailed job reports for auditing or trouble-shooting purposes, Golden Fox can store up to 30,000 records and dump them all in a CF.  A typical record starts with a sequence number and timestamp, followed by port ID, status and task performed, then concludes with card-specific information such as brand, model and serial number.  There’s an optional password protection on all logged records.

Retailed at $2,099 for the 16-port model, Golden Fox costs about 30% more than its Silver predecessor.


How to Duplicate Your CF Cards

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